foldA Volume

foldA Volume

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This is the ninth and final in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital...

Taking Care: Down to the Very Last Pixel

This is the eighth in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Brass Tacks: Between Logistics and Possibility

This is the seventh in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Yes, I am a beta-slut

This is the fifth in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Reality Augments Theatre

This is the fifth in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Early Adapters: Digital is Everywhere

This is the fourth in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Podcasts as Theatre

This is the third in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Who does ATP belong to?

In 2015, ATP, then under exclusively female leadership, collapsed under the weight of a global oil crash. I cared a lot about their finances then. I gave as much money as I could to help them through because of their principled mandate and history and only after other members of the community led the way. Obviously, that exercise didn’t give individual donors control over the future operations of the company, but it did compel them forward with our confidence. In political campaign terms, we gave them a mandate to continue. After last week, I’ll bet a lot of us want our money back.

What is Digital Disruption?

This is the second in a series of articles capturing the planned conversations and discussions at the inaugural Festival of Live Digital Art (foldA),...

Many More Stories

So, if technology is, at heart, an expression of social practices, then I think we need to spend some time thinking through what kinds of practices, what models of sociality, are most important to us. And it seems to me that artists and storytellers are uniquely and sensitively attuned to precisely these kinds of questions. We understand that a story simultaneously creates a new kind of abstraction—a new possibility for being in the world—and also has the capacity to represent people in their wholeness and specificity.