Criminal Genius

Criminal Genius



Play: Criminal Genius || Playwright: George F. Walker
Shoot: NDG || Model: AJ Korkidakis

STEVIE: I gotta keep lookin’. It makes me nervous when I’m not lookin’.

ROLLY: Get away from the window.

STEVIE: I can’t.

ROLLY: But I’m so nervous I can’t think. I’m trying to think but I can’t.

STEVIE: What are you thinking about?

ROLLY: A lot of things.

STEVIE: Like what?

ROLLY: Like why won’t you get away from the window when I ask you.

STEVIE: Because I can’t.




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About the Author

Producer, director, photographer and political organiser based out of Montréal, Québec. Co-founder of Tableau D'Hôte Theatre. Rabble-rousin' lover.