

Training Actors

How many directors does it take to screw in a light bulb? I don’t know. What do you think? What I like about this joke is...

What’s Fair?

In the arts, we love fairness. We talk endlessly about what it is, and are outraged when we feel it isn’t enacted as we...

The Last Indie Theatre Artist

This article is written by the only working indie theatre artist in Kingston. There used to be two of us but he spends most...

Biting the Hand that Feeds Us

As questions concerning the origin(s) of funding become more and more politicized—i.e. #divest—do we not need to start reflecting deeper on where the money...

4 First Steps Toward an Ethical Representation of Queer Bodies Onstage

In October of 2014, 19-year-old gay student Clayton Pettet, a virgin, announced he would perform live sex with a man as part of a...

Teaching Wildness

The practice of dance and theatre is full of non-consensual shit, and it begins in the training. In 2012 I started a conversation called Talking,...

Holding a Monster

A couple weeks ago I downloaded an app that tracks how much time I spend on my phone. Among the many ways in which...

5 Ways Not to Be a Creep

Sexual harassment is as much about sex as racism is about race. In both cases, what we’re really talking about is power. Who has...

Québécois Circus and the Global Stage: National Narrative or NOT?

Québec, as a stateless nation, expresses its nationalism through culture and language. What is the national narrative of Québécois circus on the global stage...

Can you defy death with a little more artistry, please?

You are watching a circus performance. The artists, for whatever reason, have a noticeable number of technical errors. The overall show remains cohesive, technical...