Surviving Wor(l)ds

Surviving Wor(l)ds


Play: Surviving Wor(l)ds || Playwright: Endre Farkas
Shoot: Pointe St. Charles || Models: Jaclyn Turner, Will Mathers

VOICE 1: Here… here, there is no direction that leads anywhere.

VOICE 2: In circles in circles in circles in circles in circles in circles in circles in circles in circles in circles.

VOICE 3: In circles, in shadows, in shade, one, two, three, in circles, in shadows, in shade, one… two… three…

VOICE 1: Here is nowhere. Here we must hold hands.

VOICE 2: And take the next step.

VOICE 1: The struggle against the sucking mud.

Surviving Wor(l)ds was first produced by the Elysian River Theatre at Geordie Theatre in Montréal in 1999



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About the Author

Producer, director, photographer and political organiser based out of Montréal, Québec. Co-founder of Tableau D'Hôte Theatre. Rabble-rousin' lover.