Canadian theatre companies celebrate Opening Night hundreds, possibly even thousands, of times per year. Communities come together to surround the new productions with food, drink, discussion and encouragement, creating “word of mouth” that drives ticket sales and artistic reputations. wants to unite opening night celebrations coast-to-coast-to-coast and more than anything, we want to connect our theatre communities that are doing great work – and having great parties – nationwide.
Help us by posting your opening night celebrations on Instagram with #cdnopening. Your theatre, your production and your work will appear alongside theatres from across the country on Instagram feed, one click away from fellow opening night revellers from Victoria to Iqaluit to St. John’s.
The best part is – it’s easy to do!
STEP ONE: Take pictures of your show’s opening night celebration..
STEP TWO: Post those pictures to Instagram. Include the hashtag #cdnopening alongside your other hashtags.
That’s it.
The Canadian theatre community spiderweb is threaded across vast provincial, territorial and geographic lines, extending to millions of patrons, supporters, colleagues and artists. By using #cdnopening you can connect with your community across the nation.
WE NEED YOUR HELP: Hashtags need to be popularized. To make this work, we need smart, connected, internet-savvy theatre people like YOU to use #cdnopening. Tweet it, blog it, gram it, share it.
Let’s get every opening night across Canada into the stream so we can all celebrate together. Join us.