Edition 5

Edition 5

Québécois Circus and the Global Stage: National Narrative or NOT?

Québec, as a stateless nation, expresses its nationalism through culture and language. What is the national narrative of Québécois circus on the global stage...

Can you defy death with a little more artistry, please?

You are watching a circus performance. The artists, for whatever reason, have a noticeable number of technical errors. The overall show remains cohesive, technical...

Connecting with Audiences in the Digital Age

If circus is human, do circus shows lose their humanity when we force technology into them? “Join The Circus?” the Quand La Foule Devient Cirque...

Notes from a field school in a burgeoning field

This summer, I led the first international graduate field school in Québec Performing Arts with a particular focus on contemporary circus, but as it...

Québec Performing Arts – Edition Context

This week we are turning our attention to the province of Québec. What do you think of when you first hear “Québec” or “Québecois”? French?...

First There Is A Mountain: Reflections On The Republic Of Inclusion

A man with Cerebral Palsy flies to a foreign country to be part of an inclusion conference. There’s a joke there somewhere, and it...